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As a PRSA member, you have the opportunity to become Accredited in Public Relations (APR) through a universal accreditation program administered by PRSA. Earning an APR demonstrates to clients, employers -- and to yourself -- your wide-ranging knowledge, experience and professional judgment. It helps you to learn what you don't yet know and strengthen knowledge of what you do.

Areas Accreditation covers:

  • Research, planning, implementing and evaluating programs
  • Ethics and law
  • Communication models and theories
  • Business literacy
  • Management skills and issues
  • Crisis communication management
  • Media relations
  • Using information technology
  • History of and current issues in public relations
  • Advanced communication skills

It's basically a course of study, a Presentation Panel session and a computer-based exam. PRSA supports you with a Study Guide, recommended texts and an online study courses to help you prepare. In addition, the Westchester/Fairfield chapter offers free individual or group coaching sessions to help registered applicants prepare for the panel and exam.

The Presentation Panel is Accredited members whose purpose is to constructively assess the candidate's KSAs in areas that cannot be done by a computer-based exam. Once the candidate has advanced from the panel s/he may schedule the exam, which must be within one year.

When our members gain their APR, with their permission, we announce it to our members and send a personal letter to their employers. You're then eligible to use APR after your name and to advance in leadership roles within PRSA National and to be considered for the College of Fellows.

Please check the PRSA Accreditation site for complete information, instructions, and forms. You're also invited to contact me for a no-obligation chat.

You might also want to talk with accredited colleagues in our Chapter (check Member Directory for their contact info):

Callie Dawn Ferrari, APR

Stephanie Harwood, APR

Laurent Lawrence, APR

Don Levin, APR, Fellow PRSA

John Morris, APR

Nina Streitfeld, APR, Fellow PRSA

Grace Zimmerman, APR

Stephanie Harwood, APR,

PRSA-WF Accreditation Chair

A Related Topic: PRSA and Ethics

As the practice of public relations becomes increasingly important to business and society, its responsibility to preserve public trust through ethical behavior grows with it. The larger our role and effect, the larger our need to undertake ethical approaches and challenges as they relate to our interaction with the public, our clients, and the way we conduct our own businesses. 

To help identify and uphold standards of practice and stay current on new issues, PRSA's Board of Ethics and Professional Standards (BEPS) has developed and maintains a Code of Ethics The Society’s support of ethics is also carried out through BEPS members and PRSA chapter ethics officers. The Code outlines core values, which form the basis for guiding principles and guidelines. The values advise us to:

Protect and advance the free flow of accurate and truthful information.

Foster informed decision making through open communication.

Protect confidential and private information.

Promote healthy and fair competition among professionals.

Avoid conflicts of interest.

Work to strengthen the public's trust in the profession.

The Code's guidelines help us to:

Be honest and accurate in all communications.

Reveal sponsors for represented causes and interests.

Act in the best interest of clients or employers.

Disclose financial interests in a client's organization.

Safeguard the confidences and privacy rights of clients and employees.

Follow ethical hiring practices to respect free and open competition.

Avoid conflicts between personal and professional interests.

Decline representation of clients requiring actions contrary to the Code.

Accurately define what public relations activities can accomplish.

Report all ethical violations to the appropriate authority.

There is also an extensive Resource library of case studies, best practices, and guides for ethical decision making. 

Need someone to talk to? The Westchester/Fairfield Chapter Ethics Officer is Stephanie Harwood, APR, at or 203-972-7574. All conversations are confidential.